Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Alison photos! Almost 9 months!

Ali hangin' out with her new best friend...

Now for a few videos!

Ali is standing up by herself for the first time!

This is a short clip that I took when Ali and I had our week alone together when Nelly was in Miami. I set up her hanging jumpy chair in the kitchen and she would just hang out with me while I was cooking.

Ali is standing up in her crib again, but this time she is a bit more confident.

This is just Ali hanging out in the kitchen.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A pair of sexy bellies, if I do say so myself!

Future Grizzly!

All smiles.

And just playin' on the bed!

It seems like Ali has just been growing like crazy this month. Both Nelly and I have commented to each other that we notice all sorts of little milestones...she sits up by herself in her stroller, she is just starting to crawl, and she can give herself her own bottle!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

These photos are from Ali's baptism party on July 18 and Mom and Ben's visit...which I am just now getting around to posting...wow, what a slacker! We are so happy that Mom and Ben were able to make the trip all the way down here to visit us, and we had a great time with them here!

Mom holding Ali in her fancy new dress...doesn't she look great?

Both "Mama Nelly" and Ali..all dressed up to party!


On the left is Nelly's sister Nancy and on the right is Martha.

Lots of dancing that night!

Spending the day in downtown Cuenca.

Out to lunch at our favorite Colombian restaurant.

We went out to Ingapirca on one of the days that Mom and Ben were here...a very cool site and a great place to spend the day!

6 months with Ali!

Ali's finger still her best friend...

She's all ready! We have the habit of sitting Ali up in her stroller wherever we are in the house and she just watches us...very attentively!

Rolling around on the bed! Ali can totally turn around by herself now, but she does get stuck every now and need some help.

Out on the town! We were out with Ben and Mom in downtown Cuenca and I had Ali in her Bjorn.

These next photos are from a picnic that we took with mom. I think mom must have been the photographer that day because she is not in any of the photos!

Look at that hat...Ali is all set for the sun!

...and we ended our picnic with a little "cuchi", or roast pork.

Ali has discovered her toes! This is a 2 or 3 minute video of Ali rolling around on the bed playing with her toes.

Real food...with mixed reactions! We have started Ali on "solid" food, and so far she loves grapes, pears, bananas, and sweet potatoes, and has some mixed feelings about apples and her cereal.

Ali sings! Wow, the noises that this girl makes! She has discovered her voice and now she just loves to talk!

Monday, June 8, 2009

4 months of Aly!

Aly will be 4 months old on the tenth, and it has been a while since we have put up some new photos!
Aly is just big enough to fit in her Bjorn and she is at that age where she just loves to stare and observe....when we walk around downtown Cuenca all you can see of her is a pair of eyes peeking out of the Bjorn!
All bundled up to go out! We took her out with us to Yolanda's son Juanito's first communion party, and this stylish getup kept her toasty warm well into the night!
Yes, I shaved my head last month. Do we look about the same?
Check out those pants!
Aly grabs her ears when she wants to sleep.
Getting ready to head out for a walk!
Sportin' a new dress!
Posin' for a photo...

Sitting up like this is a new thing this month.
Hanging out in her towel after bath time...
and then gettin' a manicure!

Here is a video that Nelly took on April 2... without my knowledge, of course!

Here is another one from the archives...I had to include it!
May 19, 2009:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time for some new Alison photos!

Ali will be two months old on the tenth and she is getting bigger all of the time!

Nelly and Ali getting some sun on our roof...

...right out of the bath...

...and sportin' some cool new cloths from grandma!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dad and Michelle's visiting Alison March 8-13

Dad and Michelle made that long trip down to come visit us in Cuenca!

It was loads of fun to have them here and they came bearing all sorts of fun gifts and did so much cooking and babysitting that we were very sad to see them go! The best part is that now we do not have to buy Alison any clothes or toys for the next two years or so!

Lots of cool toys and clothes! Aren't baby toys fun?

This thing was a little complicated to put together...Dad took the green thing on top apart looking for where to put the batteries...it turns out they go in the giraffe.......who would have thought?!

Is there such a thing as 'overstimulation'? Nahhhh!

Alison and her dad...

... and Alison and her Granddad!

Alison and Michelle...

Alison and Dad...

Holding Alison some more...

and holding Alison some more!

Lunch at Café Eucalyptus

And around Cuenca...

Brunch with all the leftovers on the last day of the visit...

...and here we are just before time to same goodbye!

We had a great visit and we can't wait to come see everyone sometime this year!

So long for now! - Jason, Nelly, and Alison